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Nov 3, 2016

Daily Routine

Every day, at least once a day, I have to go for a walk to the local playground. The time isn't set exactly, it just has to happen at some point during the day after I get home from school.

All I do there is sit on the swings, listen to music, and daydream, but it's been ingrained into my daily routine for about six years now.

In a couple of years, I'm going to graduate high school and go on to college where my routine won't be based on the daily, but rather the weekly, which is something I've never experienced before beyond school Monday-Friday, and nothing on Saturday or Sunday.

When I was little and I still went to church, there was also Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening worship. Being the queer that I am, it's needless to say I haven't been in many years.

My routine has been for the past few months or, the following:
-Alarm at 6:15
-turn off
-Alarm at 6:45
-turn off
-check social media
-use restroom
-put clothes on
-obtain bag, prozac bottle, can of monster energy, glasses, jacket, iPod, phone
-skedaddle to bus stop
-bus goes to school
-wait for the wheelchairs to get unloaded from a different bus
-go inside school
-drop things off in AP art room
-Go to cafeteria to get breakfast
-Bagel and cream cheese with apple juice
-go to Puterbaugh's room and talk about Homestar Runner
-go to AP art room for class
-eat breakfast
-take prozac
-start drinking monster
-start art, approx. 8:04
-clean up
-go all the way around the spanish steps and back down the other side of wing 4
-go up back stairs
-into physical science room
-try to survive 8:50-9:40
-go across walk way
-down the stairs at the other side
-first door on the left, 9:45-10:35
-talk about upcoming election
-hide annoyance at sports talk
-back up the stairs
-2nd door on the right
-enjoy the safest class possible 10:40-11:30
-across walk way and down other flight of stairs
-3rd door on the right
-Survive Fancett's screaming 11:35-12:30
-drop things in orchestra room
-go to cafeteria
-get cheese pizza, and 2-3 other things I'll eat
-give milk to friend
-go back to orchestra room
-eat lunch
-chat with friends
-walk up the art wing
-down the main hallway
-up the first flight of stairs by door 1
-6th door on the right, 1:05-1:55
-Brumbaugh looks like DnD Greg
-up math wing
-keeping walking to the walkway
-across walkway
-down back stairs
-survive loudest class possible 2:00-2:50
-skedaddle to bus
-2nd to last stop, get off approx. 3:15
-get any mail
-drop mail on table
-drop bag by table
-upstairs bathroom
-wash hands
-retrieve lappy
-social media time

And then it gets muddled. there are three things that always happen when I'm home.
3-Gas station run

The gas station run always goes after a walk. Dinner can come before or after a walk.

This routine is going to change soon though, because I'm going to start implementing more vegan foods back into my diet.

I haven't eaten meat or eggs in many moons, and was a full vegan for a while until I got sick (for other reasons) and couldn't eat anything besides potatoes, which made it worse. My mom decided to blame it on veganism and bullied me into eating dairy, but she's since relaxed a bit.

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