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Nov 11, 2016

Quick Update, Rally Chants

As I write this, I've just gotten back from an anti-trump rally.

You may have guessed, but I am devastated over Clinton's loss of the electoral college. But, something that gives me hope is her winning the popular vote.

That means the majority of those who voted voted for her and not for that fascist pumpkin.

I'm very burnt out and can't think very well, so I'll leave you with a list of good rally chants

1. -Show me what democracy looks like
-This is what democracy looks like

2.No borders, no nations, stop deportation

3.Black Lives Matter

4. No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA

5.hands too small, cant build a wall

6. Donald Trump, go away, racist, sexist, anti-gay

7.-My body, my choice
-Your body, your choice

That's all I can think of... tonight.

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