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Nov 3, 2016

Problematic Special Interest

Oh child! This post contains some Swear Words!

When you're autistic, you're bound to have some really weird special interests. One of mine is the cannibalistic serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer.

I can't give any real answers as to why this special interest sprung up, or why it fixates on Dahmer. Likely because of the nature of his crimes.

What I don't understand are the people in the "true crime community" who call serial killers and mass murderers "Gods" and "cinnamon rolls". Like, no? They are neither? They are, or were, murderers who committed horrible crimes against humanity and deserved all, if not more, of the punishment they were given for what they did.

It's hard to make friends in the community when you're 100% on board with social justice, very anti-gun, and your blog description proudly states "Black Lives Matter", but I'm not going to change or hide these parts of myself to fit into the mold.

Of course, with any special interest comes people either being fucking weird about it or people making fun of you for it. I want to spend my days scripting Homestar Runner and telling people about what Jeffrey Dahmer did but people don't want to hear any of that! It's either "Shut up, stop talking in that voice" or "What the fuck is wrong with you why are you so excited about a cannibal?"

It sucks! It sucks a lot! If you activate my trap card, "info dump", expect a fucking info dump!

(Frustrated screaming)

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